Deanery of Chichester Prayer


Almighty and most Merciful Father,
you look upon us with love and compassion.

Build up your people in this Deanery of Chichester, we pray:

give to our clergy the needful gifts of your grace, and revive our churches
that they may continue to be places of hospitality, manifesting your glory, and nurturing disciples for your Kingdom.

May we seek to work together within this household of faith,
desiring the wisdom, guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit,
as we live out our faith in our parishes and daily lives;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord

who lives and reigns with you 

in the unity of the Holy Spirit

One God, now and forever.



Praying together as a Deanery for the Deanery Mission 


We are encouraged to be praying as a Deanery – for our ongoing mission and ministry together. 

As a Deanery Synod Rep please consider the following ideas to get yourself, others you know, and your churches, started. 

  • Commit to praying for the Deanery 
  • If you have a parish newsletter or church notice sheet, write something asking people to pray for the Deanery and include our Deanery Prayer.
  • Talk to a member of clergy, PCC and/or whoever organises the intercessions on a Sunday morning and encourage them to include the Deanery Prayer.

Please remember that praying doesn’t have to be wordy. Let us pray